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Merilni kovček z držalom za manometer
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Številka carinske tarife
  • 73079910 

Opis izdelka

Depending on your pressure selection, the glycerine pressure gauges with lower connection (*) must be ordered separately.
The mounting frame was designed for pressure gauges with a nominal size of 63 mm.
Upoštevajte, da lahko magnetna polja izbrišejo nosilce podatkov ter vplivajo na elektronske in mehanske komponente, npr. srčne spodbujevalnike, ali jih celo uničijo.
Magneti imajo velike privlačne in odbojne sile, zato se izognite nevarnosti poškodb zaradi zdrobljenja.
Za pošiljke letalskega tovora je potrebna izjava o nevarnem blagu v skladu s predpisom IATA 902.
With the HFM BOX 63-4 measuring box in the practical product case, you get a versatile tool for the optical display of measured values ​​and for the precise checking of pressure values.
The measuring box is equipped with four manometer holders, which are clearly arranged thanks to the robust Plexiglas cover.
The integrated handles ensure excellent handling and make it easy to position the magnetic plate. The four display positions allow you to monitor different measuring points simultaneously and easily read the scale values.
Obseg dobave
The HANSA-FLEX HFM BOX consists of a magnetic plate equipped with a Plexiglas cover, handles and holders for four pressure gauges.
The mounting frame has four integrated pressure gauge bulkhead adapters (*) with an M 16 x 2 measuring connection and a 1/4″ -19 pressure gauge port.
The associated sealing rings are fixed directly in the adaptor by means of a sealing cap.
The scope of delivery also includes a measuring hose connector M16 x 2 (*) and four measuring hose lines M16x2 DN02, each with a length of 2000 mm (*).
All listed products marked (*) can also be purchased individually in our online shop or in our branches.

Product variants

1 Result
Prikaz dimenzijske risbe
L (mm)
M (mm)
N (mm)
G1 - G4
Cena / Kos

Column selection

L (mm)
M (mm)
N (mm)
G1 - G4
P (mm)
K (mm)
B (mm)
H (mm)
T (mm)
B1 (mm)
H1 (mm)
T1 (mm)